Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blade Revision

Revision for previous homework assignment for Modeling I class.

Render 1

Render 2

Render 3

Wireframe 1

Wireframe 2


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Assignment homework for Modeling I class was to model a weapon/device of choice upon approval of instructor.


Mjolnir II

Another Hammer assignment done based on in-class demo session for Modeling I.
Done in Maya.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


3D homework assignment for Modeling I.

One done extruded, the other done in pieces.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

3D In-class Demo

First 3D in-class assignment for Modeling I.
Done in Maya.

Maze 1

Reference for Maze 1

Maze 2

Reference for Maze 2

15 Sites

Assignment for Modeling I class is to list 15 websites or links that's about 3D art and 3D art concepts and to write about 4 of these.

I picked Monroy is a photo-realist painter. His work literally looks like a real photo image. Among his famous and largest works are "Damen", a painting of Chicago's blue line train stop. His other one is New York's Times Square. My other pick is Ignacio Bazan Lazcano. His work is found in and Real world scenes like his piece "Paradise City" make his work entaertaining to look at as well as his futuristic looking characters and creatures. In has an artist by the name Cornelius Dammich. His design of interior scenes like rooms and hallways have a good mixture of modern yet futuristic style to them. The detail is something to look at.
Last pick is http: Simon Weaner is a concept artist and matte painter. His illustrations on characters he uses many colors but still go well together. His concept art style is of exotic yet realistic environments usually in ruins or post-apocalyptic style is something I always been attracted to and hope to do some work like that sometime.