Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Eight to Ten Room Level Concept Midterm

For Level Design midterm I had to come up with a level concept  of eight to 10 rooms, design  a 2D floor plan and use the checklist. Floor plan was done in Illustrator.

My level idea is of a survival/horror adventure video game one-player based and consists of solving puzzle-like situations as well. In some cases the player might have to solve some kind of puzzle in order to continue the journey.
The story begins with David came back from a vacation roadtrip and is back in his hometown. He went out of town a couple of days for vacation and is ready to continue his usual life routine. He’s driving into town and he realizes the streets are strangely empty. It was evening but not late enough for the streets to be this empty. He keeps driving and remembers that he is going to put gas in his car. He goes into the usual gas station he always goes to and stops his car at the pump. He goes into the station to pay when he realizes everything is on but no one’s around.
Now David pays full attention and decides to walk around. He discovers that some of the streets are blocked off by debris and in some occasions cars are stacked crashed together making it impossible to pass through. His only option is through a small car junkyard. He realizes no one is around attending the junkyard either. This makes David worry. He finds a knife and arms himself with it just in case. He looks around and decides there is no way out. Then he discovers a back part of the junkyard gated locked and decides there must be a key somewhere. So he goes to the junkyard offices to see if he can find anything. He does. David goes into full panic mode when he crosses the junkyard again to get to the locked gate and discovers creatures in the junkyard. Armed with only his knife he defends himself. He gets passed the creatures and quickly unlocks the gate. He is getting surrounded and cornered by these creatures so he has no choice but to crawl into a manhole sewer inside the gated area. He briefly walks under the streets in the sewer before exiting into an alley.
From here the player descends into the streets trying to find his way around until he gets home or answers on what is going on. He has to zig zag around debris and locked doors along the way he encounters strange creatures that want to kill him.
This game level consists of Map Gameplay. The player starts at a certain location and the map guides him to where he has to go to find his way out to the next part of the level and also guide him/her to key locations to locked doors. The map also dictates at what points in the levels the player will encounter enemies.
The floor plan for this level is considered to be a realistic floor plan. Things and objects in the game are there for a reason whether it is objects to help the players’ health, objects to help them defend themselves against the enemies, as well as object to help them along the way like doors being unlocked by keys.
The level for this game is designed for single-player not multi-player. The floor plan for this wouldn’t be too effective for multi-player. The reason for this is because there are areas in this level that would be useless for multi-player because players can “camp” or cheat by hiding in a certain spot waiting for other players to pass by to kill them. Although this level is for single player there are no dead end paths really.
There are no traps in this particular level. The only threats are enemies and the level of danger that the enemies pose.
The AI consists of creatures roaming around the streets until they spot something they want to kill. For this the player can avoid confrontation with these creatures sometimes if he stays out of site. However, sometimes the player cannot go around some enemies so they have no choice but confront the enemy.
The difficulty of the level is considered by three variations of enemies. The first set of enemies are easy enough to kill with a melee weapon. The second variation of enemies are a little harder but not quite the most difficult. The third set of enemies is the most difficult to deal with. However, by this time the player already has a firearm to defend himself effectively against the most difficult enemies.
The List of 7 keys  is Time: there is no time limit in this level. However, the player needs to find the keys to get through the doors in order to proceed to the next part.
The next is Tech. This game looks proper in the Unreal Engine. Preferably three person view.
The Limitations here are the geometry is a bit complex.
The Requirements are an open area of city space where the player can navigate freely but still with some limitations.
The Purpose for the player is to find himself around the city and eventually make it to his destination.
The Gameplay here is exploration adventure and survival.
The Theme is a big town not so much a city.

Floor plan of "Estranged" level

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